Now We're Adding Another $100 ***BILLION*** to the National Debt


Intel Enabler
Verified SOF
Sep 9, 2006
So it appears we're adding another $100+ billion to the national debt:

The package, introduced just after midnight, extends funding through the end of the fiscal year. Negotiated by leaders from both parties, it was designed to win support from both sides of the aisle, including a $42 billion increase in defense spending, favored by Republicans, and a $46 billion bump in nondefense programs, largely championed by Democrats.
Why are we spending more on defense, when we're ostensibly doing a lot fewer defense-y things? And we're spending more on "nondefense" programs... is this more handing out crack pipes? Can I at least get the potholes in my street fixed?

It also includes $13.6 billion to help Ukraine defend against Russia’s invasion, divided between military spending and humanitarian aid.

Oh. $13.6 billion for Ukraine, a thoroughly corrupt and war-torn country... I'm sure that money will be well spent, and not at wasted like the billions we threw into two other thoroughly corrupt, war-torn countries I spent a lot of time in over the last 20 years.

...and before anyone goes all "Blame the Dems," go back and read the part I deliberately bolded. This is the kind of stuff our ruling class does.
A billion doesn't sound as bad as trillion so they can put in the bill the items they couldn't get before. Bet there is no pay raise for our military or retired soldiers. Nor a raise in the VA disability.
I'd like to know how it was introduced in the House just after midnight yesterday for billions of dollars and approved by both Houses for 1.5 trillion last night. Guess we'll know what was really in it now. That is what they wanted before, and it was disapproved.

Houses passes $1.5 trillion spending bill