Looking for Career Advice


Half Faceless Man
Verified Military
Jul 3, 2017

I recently sent a PM to @Marauder06 and he suggested that I post the question here.

I'm a 35L SSG in the Guard and I'm looking for broadening opportunities within SOCOM. I'm curious if what I'm searching for exists; unpublished COADOS opportunities that are only filled/granted based on reputation and word of mouth. I know deployed Intel positions are getting more difficult to staff due to higher rotation rates and I would like to support a unit in need. I'm quickly realizing the Reserves would provide better opportunities, but nonetheless, the Guard is where I'm housed for the time being.

I recently sent a PM to @Marauder06 and he suggested that I post the question here.

1) I'm looking for broadening opportunities within SOCOM.

2) I'm curious if what I'm searching for exists; unpublished COADOS opportunities that are only filled/granted based on reputation and word of mouth.

1) explain in more detail. Are you limiting to just L work or willing to do any 35-series stuff?

2) yes
1) explain in more detail. Are you limiting to just L work or willing to do any 35-series stuff?

2) yes

There's quite a bit under the Lima umbrella, but to answer specifically, I'd like to keep it in the realm of 35L/35M. My preference is collections, but understand the need for Force Protection and operational support for movement. I also have six years prior Infantry experience as well. I do have a bit of Industrial Security experience as a Contractor Program Security Officer in my civi life. I don't mind getting down into the weeds over email.