
  1. R.Caerbannog

    Distortion of History

    Ran into an interesting Tucker Carlson show. On it the guest had a very interesting viewpoint on history and how we view it. In it they covered a variety of topics from Jonestown, Churchill, and the Civil Rights movements, to name a few. The interview has gotten considerable backlash from the...
  2. ni.ks9041990

    VHP (Veterans History Project)

    Hello Everyone! I am new to this site, I am also awaiting my vetting process to be finalized (in case anyone is wondering). Recently, outside of college and work, I volunteer at the local VA clinic and Red-cross. With that, I have been offered and informed about a unique and wonderful...
  3. Bob Westermann

    Utilizing the M-249 in a suppressed Marine Corps Infantry Battalion

    I don’t know how I feel about a suppressed Infantry Battalion. I spent time as an M-249 gunner. I gained that responsibility after leading a Fireteam (i didn’t f*** up, we got an actual fleet Sergeant as squad leader) during OIF I. “You are the target. Until successfully establishing talking...