♫♪♫ Sweet memories... Flashing very quickly by ♪♫♪


Verified SOF
Aug 29, 2008
New Orleans Area
I took my boy to the Rush R40 show here in New Orleans Friday night. He'd been to a Rush concert before back in 2007 (Snakes & Arrows Tour) but he was only a week shy of 17 months old and therefore doesn't remember. Being 9 years old now and having Silver VIP tickets should ensure that he remembers this one.



I thought maybe I'd lived under a rock, but after a bit of digging it appears they've never got traction in Australia, I ran through their youtube clips, not a recognizable song anywhere, they don't get radio time and it doesn't appear they've ever toured here.
I thought maybe I'd lived under a rock, but after a bit of digging it appears they've never got traction in Australia, I ran through their youtube clips, not a recognizable song anywhere, they don't get radio time and it doesn't appear they've ever toured here.

So you got Nickleback, but not Rush? The rest of the Commonwealth hates you.:wall:
I seriously didn't think there was anywhere on terra firma that had not heard of Rush.

I know there are those that didn't like their style, but I have never heard of anywhere in particular that has never heard of them.

Glad you enjoyed the concert, Brother!

That makes a lifetime memory that can never be taken away.
I'm trying to get some tickets to see the Stones in Raleigh in July. I love me some good rock from the golden age of the era. Mind you at this point not all of those bands are worthy to see live but guys like Mick Jager forget they should be in wheel chairs play in lawn darts. What a treat you got to see.
For those that haven't seen it.....the 2010 documentary film "Rush: Beyond The Lighted Stage" was incredible, and very enlightening, a must see for any Rush fan.

I had no idea they had opened for KISS in their early years :D