2018 - Year in Review


Sep 12, 2012
What news story/event from this year has stayed with you, maybe enough to have you thinking about it for years to come?

For me, it is the kids trapped in the cave. That nations were able to cooperate and coordinate enough to get them all out safely might be as close to a miracle I’ve ever seen.
What news story/event from this year has stayed with you, maybe enough to have you thinking about it for years to come?

For me, it is the kids trapped in the cave. That nations were able to cooperate and coordinate enough to get them all out safely might be as close to a miracle I’ve ever seen.

@Ooh-Rah, a great positive event in a year of seemingly constant negativity. I agree that this was the most memorable.

A couple of other events that stick with me;

- A Castro no longer rules Cuba.
- South Korean and North Korean presidents meet for peace talks
When Mattis resigned, I went with him. It was the last nail in the coffin for my support of Trump, a tenuous support at the best of times.
Easy to me... the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings. What an indictment this was on the current state of affairs in Washington and around the country. It illustrated the absolute depths all sides, including the press, will go to in order to achieve their outcome, regardless as to the best interest of the American public.
This year has been just packed with events. I don’t really recall another year holding the “wait THAT happened in this year!?” crown quite like 2018.

I’ll go cave rescue, obviously because of my own career field’s role in that one. A lot of the political back and forth just sort of blended together to get to more of a feeling (not good) than a specific event.

All said and done I’m still an idealist and hopeful for 2019.