34 pretty moving photos - (no click bait!)

Thanks for posting this. Never ceases to amaze me how humans gravitate towards pessimism and negativity. It makes me wonder if something as simple as our mindset could change the world if everyone despite differences in culture, upbringing, or whatever; were geared towards positivity...
Things and situations are what they are...how we respond to them is up to us individually.

Like I recently told my son...Warriors aren't changed by their environments and situations...Warriors are Warriors regardless of their situations and they change their environments.

We are as we choose to be.

Great pictures!
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Thanks for sharing.

One picture annoyed me and I will probably get some hate from it... I fucking hate when people release balloons. I can't even begin to tell you how many I pick up when I volunteer to clean salt water marshes. Shit load of them end up in the oceans too. They just end up everywhere, really.

I understand the idea behind it.. However... my treehuggery kicks in.