75fasteddie - New Member


Jan 12, 2018
Thanks for allowing me to be a part of the group. I am hoping to get some assistance with my two sons trying to get their opt 40 contracts. Its been over 20 years since i travelled down that path.
Welcome. Would not be a bad idea for your sons to join the site and ask their questions as well.
Thank you all. Anyone familiar with recent option 40 contract requirements? I believe my oldest son is getting yanked around by his recruiter.
Thank you all. Anyone familiar with recent option 40 contract requirements? I believe my oldest son is getting yanked around by his recruiter.


Intro threads are for just that. Intros. Take a bit of time to explore the forum, the search function here works amazing....especially just entering option 40 contract.

Any questions/comments after that should be posted in a current thread, or start your own if you cannot find what you are seeking after browsing the forum.