A Memorial Day Weekend rant - towards Vets.


Sep 12, 2012
This morning I witnessed a discussion on another forum where the OP was angry that Home Depot does not offer a consistent Vet's discount, and is now going to take his business to Lowes because they do.

That discussion got me thinking; I am beginning to tire of this generation of vets and their "where's my free shit" way of thinking. (By some)

There are guys I know who literally plan their shopping/dining on where they know they can get a Veteran's freebie. A few weeks ago I took my son to see Logan and the dude in front of me was complaining to the girl working the ticket window because the theatre did not offer any type of Veteran's discount.

As a military (and a generation) it feels as if we have lost the ability to be humble.

Be grateful if someone chooses to acknowledge your service, but to be angry or upset because it was not enough acknowledgement, or not on a day that is most convenient? Come on.

One of my biggest concerns is that the public at large is eventually going to get bored with the idea that they are "supposed to" honor Vets at every turn...and there will be a backlash.

I could go on, but likely I've pissed some folks off just by my statement above.
I don't know about Home Depot. I get that discount all the time.

I do agree some veterans are feeling entitled and quite frankly it is "fucking" embarrassing. No wonder some in the public don't care/don't want to honor veterans. I don't want displayed of patriotism to be forced by guilt, it has to be of one's own free will.

I don't see a backlash at large per se but I do see some that will back away, get bored or turned off. I just wrote something on another forum about how when people thank me I "thank" them in return and further I thank law enforcement officers as I see them for putting up with the crap from the underbelly of the public all day; they deserve my thanks just as much as me.
A piggyback on the subject - I visited a Walgreens today and saw a sign at the door advertising a merchandise discount for active military and their families on Monday.

Last night a local Army buddy wanted to know if we could swing by Hooters tomorrow since ID holding mil/ former mil get some sort of free food.

I'm quite sure I'm not on board with claiming discounts on the backs of my fallen brother's and sister's sacrifices.
I appreciate any acknowledgement of my service but I don't even think about where to shop just so I can get a discount.

But I do ask this. Should we not return the favor by shopping at businesses which honor us? Shouldn't we show our appreciation to them?

Also, I too am concerned that some vets have lost that quiet professionalism that the WWII and Vietnam vets have always seemed to carry.
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I was out to lunch with some of the spouses one day in Alaska and one threw an absolute bitch fit because she didn't get a discount. Her husband normally got one but they didn't extend it to spouses when the service member wasn't there (little mom and pop place). It was fucking embarrassing, she was yelling at the server over $2.

I've been getting military discounts at both Lowes and Home Depot for years. I've never had a problem, just show my Military ID Card and GTG.

Same with Advance Auto and Auto Zone.
They do an everyday discount with Mil ID but on certain days you only need a VA card or DD214 to get the discount.
I am always a little weirded out by an aspect of Memorial Day. If you're a civilian that's never served, I don't castigate you for having a barbecue and having fun and not walking around like someone in mourning, silently sipping your beer and reciting the names of dead servicemen and women with every gulp.

This whole thing where veterans go all high and mighty about "remembering the holiday" and "it's not just about barbecues" makes me go a big rubbery one.

Go enjoy your freedom if you're a civilian. If you're a vet and you wanna be super poo poo, go ahead, but don't feel like you need to guilt trip the world via social media because people want to enjoy the freedom America grants them.
I purposely do not go out to Dinner on Veterans Day. I also do not go in search of that 10% anywhere, if I happen to be asked when I swipe my USAA card then fine. I've always felt that the discounts were faux patriotism. The other day I was in a discussion on another forum and someone called the Military a giant "make work" project. If anything, that is what I have a problem with. The majority of those who have previously served didn't do it for the politics of the time. They went where they were called. Those who serve now do the same.

I definitely know a few guys on active duty would go from restaurant to restaurant on Veterans day for their free food.
I'm totally with you on the demanding entitlement clowns. However, I don't see anything wrong with utilizing a discount if it's offered. The only time I really seek discount's are on manufacturing specific stuff, like LE/MIL discounts on guns and gear, etc.

That said, if somewhere like Home Depot advertises a discount for Mil, and some clerk/manager decided they weren't going to give it to you, yeah I could see being like "fuck them I'll take my business elsewhere". I don't see any thing wrong with that, it's clearly advertised nationally, and there is no reason why they shouldn't give it to you if you meet the requirements.

I saw a video, about a similar topic on Facebook by John Burk. He was bitchin about veterans correcting people about memorial day. You know, "it's not for veterans it for our fallen". And I strongly disagree with the content of his video and premise that we shouldn't correct people. If we don't, who will? No, you shouldn't be a dick about it, but all the same explain it. It's not just about BBQ's and drinking beer, it's about remembering those who have sacrificed their lives so we can BBQ and drink beer. And yes I think it's important to remind people of that, and when necessary correct them on what the intended meaning and symbolic nature of this day is.

Bottom line, the issue isn'tabout discounts, or veterans, or generational whatever. It's about not being an asshole, and accepted behaviors. Unfortunately, today's day and age is full of assholes who use poor behavior in public. Veterans or not...

It pisses me off to no end to see a dude in a veteran hat/shirt acting like a fool. I could tisk-tisk my finger in their face, but, honestly I've got more to worry about keeping my own shit inline.
I actually took advantage of a Military discount today.
I normally take one dog in for nail grindings on Monday, took all of them in for the 20% discount today.
Don't fell bad for getting a free Big Mac yesterday either.
But I don't eat free on veteran's either.
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I have never been into asking for discounts, just feel weird about it. I can recall after work one Friday a few years before Kim died, I went home, still was in uniform (medic uniform), Kim did not feel like cooking, went to Texas Roadhouse. I had forgotten that it was Veterans Day. So, we are there, food comes, waitress asks if I am a medic (Um, big fucking paramedic patch on left shoulder). Then Kim tells her I am a Veteran. Ugh, no hun! Discount. She was proud of me...

I purposely do not go out to Dinner on Veterans Day. I also do not go in search of that 10% anywhere, if I happen to be asked when I swipe my USAA card then fine. I've always felt that the discounts were faux patriotism. The other day I was in a discussion on another forum and someone called the Military a giant "make work" project. If anything, that is what I have a problem with. The majority of those who have previously served didn't do it for the politics of the time. They went where they were called. Those who serve now do the same.

I definitely know a few guys on active duty would go from restaurant to restaurant on Veterans day for their free food.

Doom on me I guess. I don't mind the free Applebees dinner on Veteran's day and I know my kids get a kick out of it. I also don't mind getting a veteran's discount. I figure if they want to give veterans a discount, I have earned it. I was just telling my wife today how much my back and shoulder were bothering me from the fourth time I got blown up. That being said, I don't fault a young devil, or service equivalent, from getting his or her discount. They earned it when they signed the dotted line and volunteered to potentially undergo what little I have experienced or far worse. In any event, every restaurant I go to earns back their discount on all the beer I drink.
Doom on me I guess. I don't mind the free Applebees dinner on Veteran's day and I know my kids get a kick out of it. I also don't mind getting a veteran's discount. I figure if they want to give veterans a discount, I have earned it. I was just telling my wife today how much my back and shoulder were bothering me from the fourth time I got blown up. That being said, I don't fault a young devil, or service equivalent, from getting his or her discount. They earned it when they signed the dotted line and volunteered to potentially undergo what little I have experienced or far worse. In any event, every restaurant I go to earns back their discount on all the beer I drink.
Good on you man.

My bigger issue was with one my colleagues going out for BLD and a mid-afternoon meal in between.
Good on you man.

My bigger issue was with one my colleagues going out for BLD and a mid-afternoon meal in between.
Your fellow platoon commanders were doing this? That might be a little out of place but would never fault a young enlisted troop from maxing out his veteran's day.
I will often take advantage of it, but I don't go looking for it, or ask for it. I don't park in the parking spots reserved for veterans or PH recipients (I am one but not the other).

As for Memorial Day, do whatever you want. I don't proselytize or preach from a bully pulpit, but I do want people to know why they get a 3-day weekend. I do not get pissed if people want to barbecue it up and head to the beach, nor do I get somber or moody, but I do get a bit introspective.
I will often take advantage of it, but I don't go looking for it,

Yep. And this was the point of my original rant. What sets me off are the guys who demand to see the manager/write letters because they didn't get their discount.