AFSOC creates an "Associate" Unit at Hurlburt Field


Verified SOF
Aug 18, 2007
San Antonio Texas
FLANG teams up with 1 SOW > Air Force Special Operations Command > Article Display

Strange story, they created a 30 person Associate Unit (Det 2, FLANG) with the 8th SOS and 801st Maintenance Squadron, that's not even a Squadron sized element.

Wonder if that's just a cadre. and they plan on expanding?

Toss this statement in: The objectives for standing up an ANG Classic Association are to capture separating aircrew to provide an enduring operational capability, and supplement the maintenance force to increase aircraft utilization rates as Air Force Special Operations Command transitions its force to meet Global Special Operations Forces Network basing requirements.

AFSOC better keep it's thumb on their funding as FL has always misused it's SOF funding.
FLANG teams up with 1 SOW > Air Force Special Operations Command > Article Display

Strange story, they created a 30 person Associate Unit (Det 2, FLANG) with the 8th SOS and 801st Maintenance Squadron, that's not even a Squadron sized element.

Wonder if that's just a cadre. and they plan on expanding?

Toss this statement in: The objectives for standing up an ANG Classic Association are to capture separating aircrew to provide an enduring operational capability, and supplement the maintenance force to increase aircraft utilization rates as Air Force Special Operations Command transitions its force to meet Global Special Operations Forces Network basing requirements.

AFSOC better keep it's thumb on their funding as FL has always misused it's SOF funding.

I lived through the bolded above. The FL Guard is like Big Blue/ Green at a smaller level. Someone's jockeying for funding and an increase in manning, money, and limelight. Bank on it.