Age and getting into the pipeline


Dec 23, 2014

I will try to make this as and brief as possible. I just turned 37 and I want to join the Air Force and go for Special Forces. I am a Firefighter/EMT and I am willing to put that job on hold or leave it all together if need be to become a SF member which has been my dream since I was young but life got in the way and I am at the point where I have the green light to go for it, its just a matter of weather or not the Air Force will allow it and that is my question here. I have spoken to a few guys in my fire service who were in the military for many years and they told me that as long as I can still hang with the young guys ( and I can) and blow the PAST test out of the water (which I will) then I have a chance at going for SF and they do not care about my age. I spoke to a recruiter and he informed me that it will be a combination of things such as (ASVAB Test score, Personality Test Score, PAST Test, and Basic Training PT Scores) that will determine weather or not they will allow me to try out for SF. So im looking to speak to Air Force SF guys who can inform me if its a "GO" or "NO GO" considering my situation. I see a lot of conflicting information out there and I really need to speak to the source. Any information on this will be greatly appreciated and I thank you in advance.
Also wanted to add things I am doing to prepare if I get the green light...

1.) Fitness and Mental Program (Unbeatable Mind) By Commander Mark Divine former Navy SEAL
2.) Stew Smith (Former Navy SEAL) 12 week fitness program for PJ/CCT PAST Preperation
3.) Swimming Lessons (Total Immersion) No doubt I need wok in the pool.

1. the USAF does NOT have Special Forces. US Army Special Forces is a unit unto itself under SOCOM.
2. AFSOF has multiple units, which one do you want?
3. You need to get your focus 'laser sharp' and set a goal, including a unit before you post again.
4. Use the friggin search button, the answers to your questions are here on the site.
1. Sorry, I used Special Forces but I guess there is a difference between SF and SO, they all do bad ass shit don't they?

2. I am interested in becoming a CCT (Combat Controller) however.... according to the AF recruiter you can no longer select which unit you want to go for. They take your personality test along with the other tests, combine your scores, and they put you in which ever unit they feel you will fit best. That is why I didn't specify which unit I want to go for, but if its important information then I would like to go for CCT,

3. Focus is laser sharp

4. I will use the search button

Thank you
1. Sorry, I used Special Forces but I guess there is a difference between SF and SO, they all do bad ass shit don't they?
Not an answer I would expect from a 37 year-old. Attention to detail is a pretty large part of any of the SOF pipelines, be it CCT, SF, etc.
I am interested in becoming a CCT (Combat Controller) however.... according to the AF recruiter you can no longer select which unit you want to go for.
The Air Force never allowed selection of specific units, a base selection was possible as an enlistment enticement, but never a specific unit. The only way for no prior military service civilians to enlist for a specific enlisted occupation (MOS, NEC, or AFSC) is by getting a Guaranteed Enlistment Training Program (GTEP) contract. This is still done and is a must to enlist to become a PJ or CCT, or SOW. However, one must meet all the entry classification criteria for PJ, CCT. or SOW AFSC before the GTEP enlistment contract is offered. This simply means the Air Force will not allow a recruiter to offer anybody such a GTEP contract until after they process through MEPS for other desired jobs. After processing thorough MEPS (medical exam, ASVAB, TAPAS) presuming you meet those criteria you will be allowed to take a PAST to determine your qualification eligibility to be considered for the GTEP contract.
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They take your personality test along with the other tests, combine your scores, and they put you in which ever unit they feel you will fit best.
Several critical misconceptions.

1. PAST, TAPAS, ASVAB, MEPS Medical Examination screening criteria are each independent of the other. There is no combined, composite, or added together total go/no-go screening score.

2. As each of the Battlefield Airmen AFSCs requires being a volunteer (although technically duties of SERE and TACP do not require being a volunteer) this eliminates options of suitability involuntarily putting (entry classifying) somebody into the best fit Battlefield Airmen AFSC. There is a PAST and TAPAS suitability pecking order meaning not obtaining or meeting screening criteria for the PJ or CCT entry classification may result in obtaining or meeting screening criteria for SOW, SERE, TACP or EOD entry classification. FYI: SERE and AF EOD are combat support AFSCs and not Battlefield Airmen AFSCs.

There is also a further screening and selection done at the required course of entry to get trained to get awarded any one of the AFSC being discussed that have high attrition rates (mostly I quit quitters), so getting the GTEP contract does not correlate to successfully completing all training required for award of AFSC.
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