Ward First Recipient of Hap Lutz Air Commando Medic Award
CMSgt Robert Orsi
Published Date:
Fri, 12/02/2011

The Air Commando Association (ACA) awarded the inaugural CMSgt Roland “Hap” Lutz, Commando Medic of the Year award to MSgt William Ward. MSgt Ward is an Independent Duty Medical Technician (IDMT) assigned to the 352d Special Operations Support Squadron, RAF Mildenhall, United Kingdom. He is NCOIC Operations Support Medicine Flight, responsible for ensuring OSS Airmen are trained for special operations medical support and is charged with planning and carrying out, current, future and contingency operations.
CMSgt Lutz entered the Navy as a Navy Hospitalman Apprentice on 1 Oct 1947, after numerous assignments he discharged from the Navy in 1952, after serving the in the USN reserve as an Independent Duty Hospitalman 2nd Class he enlisted in the USAF, 1 June 1958 as a Staff Sergeant. He served in several Flight Medical, Search and Rescue, and NCOIC positions while in the US and abroad, as well as performing many classified missions in and around South East Asia. Chief Lutz retired from the Air Force 1 Jan 1974; he was inducted into the ACA Hall of Fame 1969. The CMSgt Roland “Hap” Lutz,
Air Commando Medic of the Year award, will ensure that the enduring qualities of Chief Lutz selfless acts and his skills in the art of healing will be renowned by the ACA , fellow Air Commandos’ and will serve to protect the history and heritage of the Air Commando Medic!
The ACA, CMSgt Roland “Hap” Lutz, Commando Medic of the Year award bears the likeness of Asclepius (as-klee’-pee-uhs). Asclepius was the Greek god of medicine and healing, also called the father of medicine, much like Chief Lutz is considered by many, as a pioneer of Air Commando Medicine.
CMSgt Robert Orsi
Chief, Medical Enlisted Forces
Office of the Command Surgeon
Ward First Recipient of Hap Lutz Air Commando Medic Award
Published By: CMSgt Robert Orsi
Published Date:
Fri, 12/02/2011

The Air Commando Association (ACA) awarded the inaugural CMSgt Roland “Hap” Lutz, Commando Medic of the Year award to MSgt William Ward. MSgt Ward is an Independent Duty Medical Technician (IDMT) assigned to the 352d Special Operations Support Squadron, RAF Mildenhall, United Kingdom. He is NCOIC Operations Support Medicine Flight, responsible for ensuring OSS Airmen are trained for special operations medical support and is charged with planning and carrying out, current, future and contingency operations.

CMSgt Lutz entered the Navy as a Navy Hospitalman Apprentice on 1 Oct 1947, after numerous assignments he discharged from the Navy in 1952, after serving the in the USN reserve as an Independent Duty Hospitalman 2nd Class he enlisted in the USAF, 1 June 1958 as a Staff Sergeant. He served in several Flight Medical, Search and Rescue, and NCOIC positions while in the US and abroad, as well as performing many classified missions in and around South East Asia. Chief Lutz retired from the Air Force 1 Jan 1974; he was inducted into the ACA Hall of Fame 1969. The CMSgt Roland “Hap” Lutz,
Air Commando Medic of the Year award, will ensure that the enduring qualities of Chief Lutz selfless acts and his skills in the art of healing will be renowned by the ACA , fellow Air Commandos’ and will serve to protect the history and heritage of the Air Commando Medic!

CMSgt Robert Orsi
Chief, Medical Enlisted Forces
Office of the Command Surgeon