I pop in here now and again to see a few buds and talk Herky stuff...and got a look at the 27Js CGAS Clearwater has recently acquired to replace the aging 130s. (Although the 27s aren't new by any means.)

It's a shame; the crews say they're wonderful to fly but they've been plagued with maintenance problems from their first introduction to the military back in '08 or so, so the new acquisition here is kind of 2-edge sword. In fact the whole fleet was grounded last year for stress cracks aft.

Didn't get a ride, unfortunately, but got a chance to say goodbye to this old dude who'll end up in a boneyard somewhere.

SOCOM has had a few 27s for some years and apparently did not have this latest trouble with stress cracks.

It's a shame; the crews say they're wonderful to fly but they've been plagued with maintenance problems from their first introduction to the military back in '08 or so, so the new acquisition here is kind of 2-edge sword. In fact the whole fleet was grounded last year for stress cracks aft.

Didn't get a ride, unfortunately, but got a chance to say goodbye to this old dude who'll end up in a boneyard somewhere.

SOCOM has had a few 27s for some years and apparently did not have this latest trouble with stress cracks.