All of you are COWARDS

There's a broken bottle on the sign. And a screwdriver. Its pathetic what people are forced to carry when they can't have guns.
I'm staring at this trying to find how the fuck Cookie Monster fits into this program.

You beat me to it. Now we have to wonder, did Bert and Ernie carry because of CM or was CM a threat to the Street? All of his ravings about cookies were a front for his madness and the Street had a very subliminal anti-gun platform? Maybe Oscar was driven to the garbage can by CM's violence and shake down of store owners? Hmmm...
Maybe these are Cookie Monsters tools of the trade, I mean he has to support his habit somehow. It's not like cookies grow on trees. #norestforthewicked
I'd really hate to be the guy that has to open that thing up and empty it out. I can only imagine what people really put in there.
heh, sorry Frank :-"
