American Airlines mechanic 'sabotaged a plane by stopping the automatic piloting get overtime


Sep 12, 2012
I was thinking...that type of headline keeps me concerned about flying more than terrorism does....til I got to this part....

"Abdul-Majeed Marouf Ahmed Alani is claimed to have glued foam inside a tube that would disable navigation systems in an aircraft at Miami International Airport, in Florida."


Go ahead and claim it was an overtime dispute...

American Airlines mechanic accused of sabotaging a Florida plane
Read this at the airport this morning. 😊

I didn't need another reason to never fly AA again, but here it is.
some of the crazy shit the mechs have been doing, I have no doubt it was an OT stunt. They have had slow downs on the simplest a missing crash axe when the aircraft comes from the hanger....
Flying and I fell out when my health took a crap. With all the people making statements by mass murder. I have two words... fuck flying. Do not care if I were between a nymphos’ tits. Been up and come down more than I care to remember.
Damn shame that hate is so prevalent you cannot trust anyone in the service s sector. At least in the areas that can have a great loss of life. Should someone bent on violence decide to take out a group of innocents. Just my .02