Andrew Gillum


Combined Action
Verified Military
Jun 29, 2014
Decisive Terrain
Andrew Gillum won the Dems candidacy for governor of Florida with the help of George Soros, Bernie Sanders and (my favorite Communist) Jane Fonda, and is being groomed as the next Obama. He is the mayor of Tallahassee, a city government under investigation by the FBI. He is rapidly becoming the darling of the far Left and is looked upon as the Left's revenge against Trump.

Just FYI...he's much more socialist-oriented that Obama or Clinton, and makes Hillary look conservative. If he wins the governor's race, he will be elevated very quickly into national politics. He says it's not about race but his comments about people of color coming into power in a region built by people of color suggest that race is very much a part of his agenda.
“I don’t expect any trouble my way….I welcome their investigation to get to the bottom of any corruption that might exist,” Kwame Kilpatrick said.

“I don’t expect any trouble my way….I welcome their investigation to get to the bottom of any corruption that might exist,” Ray Nagin said.

“I don’t expect any trouble my way….I welcome their investigation to get to the bottom of any corruption that might exist,” Patrick Cannon said.

“I don’t expect any trouble my way….I welcome their investigation to get to the bottom of any corruption that might exist,” Megan Barry said.

“I don’t expect any trouble my way….I welcome their investigation to get to the bottom of any corruption that might exist,” Andrew Gillum said.
“I don’t expect any trouble my way….I welcome their investigation to get to the bottom of any corruption that might exist,” Kwame Kilpatrick said.

“I don’t expect any trouble my way….I welcome their investigation to get to the bottom of any corruption that might exist,” Ray Nagin said.

“I don’t expect any trouble my way….I welcome their investigation to get to the bottom of any corruption that might exist,” Patrick Cannon said.

“I don’t expect any trouble my way….I welcome their investigation to get to the bottom of any corruption that might exist,” Megan Barry said.

“I don’t expect any trouble my way….I welcome their investigation to get to the bottom of any corruption that might exist,” Andrew Gillum said.

Meanwhile, a newspaper somewhere readies a headline about Florida Man winning a gubernatorial race while doing a 10-piece for felony embezzlement, fraud, and racketeering charges.
Gillum's going to be running against Ron DeSantis--the Trump endorsement--who yesterday made a comment about Republicans not "monkeying up" the campaign...and this has lead to charges of racism.

So the term "monkeying up" or any reference to monkeys is now automatically interpreted as a racial slur by the MSM (aka Gillum's kingmakers).
Gillum's going to be running against Ron DeSantis--the Trump endorsement--who yesterday made a comment about Republicans not "monkeying up" the campaign...and this has lead to charges of racism.

So the term "monkeying up" or any reference to monkeys is now automatically interpreted as a racial slur by the MSM (aka Gillum's kingmakers).

I saw that, and saw an interview where Gillum said DeSantis is "pulling a page straight out of the Trump playbook of racism and division." If he think's that's racist, he should stay away from rural NC. All Gillum is trying to do is tie DeSantis to Trump and make the whole race about, well, race.
I saw that, and saw an interview where Gillum said DeSantis is "pulling a page straight out of the Trump playbook of racism and division." If he think's that's racist, he should stay away from rural NC. All Gillum is trying to do is tie DeSantis to Trump and make the whole race about, well, race.


Besides, the interpretation of common cliches like "monkey business" or "monkeying around" or monkey-anything as automatically racist says volumes about the motives of the "interpreters," who, obviously, will grasp at any straw, however feeble, to throw in the race card.

I expect that any white candidate who has to run against an African-American in the future will be subject to this same tactic.

Yes, and even John McCain, so recently enshrined by the liberal media, had to deal with it some years ago.

McCain Camp Says Obama Is Playing ‘Race Card’
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