Are Marvel and DC to blame?

Frank S.

L'homme qui rit
Sep 28, 2006
The Mountains of Madness
Are bacteria really spending their time watching superhero flicks in diseased nether regions, eating cheetos and aspiring to become superbugs?
The guy in the white coat with a stethoscope and a clipboard says they're smart...

Antibiotic-resistant gonorrhoea on the rise, new drugs needed

[...] Data from 77 countries show that antibiotic resistance is making gonorrhoea – a common sexually-transmitted infection – much harder, and sometimes impossible, to treat.

"The bacteria that cause gonorrhoea are particularly smart. Every time we use a new class of antibiotics to treat the infection, the bacteria evolve to resist them," said Dr Teodora Wi, Medical Officer, Human Reproduction, at WHO.

[...] The R&D pipeline for gonorrhoea is relatively empty, with only 3 new candidate drugs in various stages of clinical development [...]

As someone said before, people should boil themselves before they schtup.
Well that sucks, an incurable dirty drip. Could you even imagine waking up every morning pissing fire, for the rest of your fucking life...:-o

Not that I know anything about Gonorrhoea or anything.:hmm:

Don't be a fool, wrap the tool.
Well that sucks, an incurable dirty drip. Could you even imagine waking up every morning pissing fire, for the rest of your fucking life...:-o

Not that I know anything about Gonorrhoea or anything.:hmm:

Don't be a fool, wrap the tool.

Yeah. You know, you could find yourself enjoying some fine ethnic fare at a Moroccan restaurant, nursing a "Summer in Seattle" a bit heavy on the tomato sauce. You're watching the belly dancer's jerks and gyrations, feeling the gin, when an impacted mess flies out of her navel and before you can even think "Coriolis", it lands Gemini-capsule style in your drink.
Loaded as you are, expensive as the meal and drinks are, you fish it out and gulp your drink, forgetting it all.
Until you run into that vaguely familiar German guy from the table behind yours, two years later, and he now tells you the @$%#* had omphalitis. Now you're cured of drinking Bloody Marys and anything with tomato in it, but that's too late for you, isn't it?

You mean like that?