Are the Jetsens Finally Arriving?


Dec 10, 2012
I've been waiting for my flying car for a long time. Seems I'll still have to wait on that but we may be close to a flying "motorcycle". With the advent of drones and other technologies these concepts are again moving forward. Dubai is working on air drone taxi's later this year

Would you buy one of these? (note: it's just a proof of concept model, not a finalized version)

I would definitely consider it. Not necessarily as a primary commuter but for fun tooling around. No idea on pricing yet but for a $100 deposit now, they're offering a $2,000 discount at product launch (target February next year).

We'll see what regulatory issues arise but the idea is still kind of cool.
A few rich motherfuckers will play around with these things, the FAA will step in with a million regulations and in the end it will remain a novelty for another 50 years.

Re flying drone taxis: I'd get into a driverless taxi on the ground. No fucking way am I getting into anything that flies without a qualified pilot at the controls. I will meet my end someday but it won't be in a tumbling screaming death machine in the skies over Dubai. I'd rather take my chances in a piloted Huey with AK rounds punching up through the diamond plate...
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