Band of Brothers...

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Deleted member 2517

... can we all just agree on how fucking amazing this series is? If you’re ETS’ing and poor or living under a rock, ok I get it you can’t see it. Otherwise, it’s on Amazon Prime. Anyone who had or has any connection to the airborne/airborne infantry/SOF/hard dicked beer chugging combat arms life- you either have loved or will love this series. There is no better movie or tv show representing the infantry(and I use that to describe combat arms and special operations in general) other than platoon and generation kill. Wannabes- rewatch and base your life on Maj. Winters, LTC. Spiers, and SSG Guarnere. Everyone else- just binge it and enjoy.
I'm cheap. I recently checked the DVD set out from the local library and watched it for the umpteenth time. Great series. A great series to watch with my teenage son.
...There is no better movie or tv show representing the infantry(and I use that to describe combat arms and special operations in general) other than platoon and generation kill.

Add Black Hawk Down to that list.

Another one I recommend to civilains/slick sleeves soliders who ask how deployments are is Sand Castles on Netflix.
Lots of films capture combat pretty well; few capture the monotony, randomness, and uselessness you can experience overseas.
It was a great series. One of the best from HBO. After I watched it I read Dick Winter's book, "Beyond Band of Brothers."

I wasn't crazy about "Platoon." I walked away from the theater thinking how fortunate I was not to have been in a unit like that, where there was so much internal strife and hysterics.

"Blackhawk Down" was terrific.
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Saving Private Ryan, Band of Brothers, and Pacific definitely capture the realism of combat, unit comradery and the psychological ups and downs.

As far as catching my era, I would say Generation Kill did a good job, some of it was spot on and some of it was a stretch. Of course that was USMC Recon Btn Vs my experience Army Infantry Btn, but a lot of carry over. Especially, when the daily patrol shit started...
BoB was awesome. Loved it, loved it! Everyone who sees the series should read the book as a companion piece. I bought the blue ray set and watch it once a year.

I liked The Pacific, too, but you have to watch it as a stand-alone and not a comparison to BoB.