Best Full Size 9mm Handgun?

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Dec 11, 2012
Just wanted to see what you gents had to say about what particular gun you thought was better. Looking at getting a 9mm pistol and I'm personally leaning towards the M9 and the P226, but definitely open to other options. I've shot a few Glocks and I like the trigger pull but they just don't seem to fit in my hand just right for some reason.

There is no "better" handgun. Just try a few different ones and see what you like.
Many of these issues are also in a thread about the best concealed carry pistol.

"The best" is so subjective that to even discuss such a thing is almost laughable and should be left to Rolling Stone or the Discovery or Military Channels when they need to fill an issue/ air time.
Just wanted to see what you gents had to say about what particular gun you thought was better. Looking at getting a 9mm pistol and I'm personally leaning towards the M9 and the P226, but definitely open to other options. I've shot a few Glocks and I like the trigger pull but they just don't seem to fit in my hand just right for some reason.

Grow some man size hands and get a Glock
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