Bug Removal


Combined Action
Verified Military
Jun 29, 2014
Decisive Terrain
Maybe I'm late to the party...just tested out Bounce dryer sheets on all the bug guts on my truck. Amazing. Hose the vehicle down, take a Bounce dryer sheet and start wiping the bugs off. They come right off, even Lovebug guts (a Florida thing), with very minimal effort. Then rinse the vehicle off.

At my age I'm not impressed easily...but this was impressive.

Edit--the Bounce won't hurt your paint or the glass. Just remember to wet the surfaces first. It makes a milky haze but rinses off clean and leaves no residue.
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Maybe I'm late to the party...just tested out Bounce dryer sheets on all the bug guts on my truck. Amazing. Hose the vehicle down, take a Bounce dryer sheet and start wiping the bugs off. They come right off, even Lovebug guts (a Florida thing), with very minimal effort. Then rinse the vehicle off.

At my age I'm not impressed easily...but this was impressive.

Edit--the Bounce won't hurt your paint or the glass. Just remember to wet the surfaces first. It makes a milky haze but rinses off clean and leaves no residue.

Thanks for the pro-tip!
We used them for years on our patrol units during the "love bug" season, as well as the regular "night shift" bugs that routinely destroy windshields.

They do work wonders....
...or you could just buy a bottle of bug/tar remover. :p

BTDT. In the case of Florida lovebugs, their guts solidify like super glue. Left there too long and it will pit your paint job, chrome and plastic. Even with bug/tar remover, it requires so much labor and arm torque...but for some reason the chemical in the Bounce tissue immediately dissolves the hardened love bug guts.

Lovebugs mate in the billions along Florida highways two times a year, May and September, clouds of them. A one hour drive on the interstate or country highway and your car is bukkakied with them. And each mating season lasts 4 weeks. Tremendous pain in the ass.
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BTDT. In the case of Florida lovebugs, their guts solidify like super glue. Left there too long and it will pit your paint job, chrome and plastic. Even with bug/tar remover, it requires so much labor and arm torque...but for some reason the chemical in the Bounce tissue immediately dissolves the hardened love bug guts.

Lovebugs mate in the billions along Florida highways two times a year, May and September, clouds of them. A one hour drive on the interstate or country highway and your car is bukkakied with them. And each mating season lasts 4 weeks. Tremendous pain in the ass.

Great. I’ll be driving right through the lovebug AVNs.
I'm bumping this thread up again because it's Love Bug mating month in Florida again and this year seems especially bad. I cleaned about 500 bugs off the truck off this morning with the hose and Bounce dryer sheets, ran out to do some errands, came back and had about 500 more.
BTDT. In the case of Florida lovebugs, their guts solidify like super glue. Left there too long and it will pit your paint job, chrome and plastic. Even with bug/tar remover, it requires so much labor and arm torque...but for some reason the chemical in the Bounce tissue immediately dissolves the hardened love bug guts.

Lovebugs mate in the billions along Florida highways two times a year, May and September, clouds of them. A one hour drive on the interstate or country highway and your car is bukkakied with them. And each mating season lasts 4 weeks. Tremendous pain in the ass.
Remember folks, this is a chemical that goes on your clothes and transfers to your skin... :sneaky:

And people wonder why we're living in a toxic world. :ROFLMAO:

Not just Florida. Those critters are in East Texas too. Used to go through the Huntsville area many years ago, wish I'd had this knowledge back then.

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