Cambridge Analytica and Facebook


Where the fuck is Zordon?
Verified Military
Jul 29, 2008
Following on from a topic Frank raised, a story broke today involving a whistle blower who worked in Camridge Analytica contacting The Guardian and The Observer. The whistleblower details how Cambridge Analytica used a personality test to harvest the details of over 50 million Facebook users and how Facebook did sweet fuck all to deal with them. He talks about more but it's better for people to just follow the story... It's insane.

Revealed: 50 million Facebook profiles harvested for Cambridge Analytica in major data breach
I just saw something about this online and will have to read this in more detail.

But....with everything that has been said about Facebook in regards to privacy the past few years, anyone who plays those stupid games or fills out any type of survey, personality quiz, etc. is asking for trouble.
I just saw something about this online and will have to read this in more detail.

But....with everything that has been said about Facebook in regards to privacy the past few years, anyone who plays those stupid games or fills out any type of survey, personality quiz, etc. is asking for trouble.


Information like that is protected by confidentiality laws and regulations in health care for good reasons. I think we may be seeing one of those reasons here, and the effects, first hand.
Hopefully Zuckerberg takes some heat for this... He's far too smug for my liking.

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Channel 4 went undercover into CA and ended up with recordings of Alexander Nix speaking freely about their practics. I somehow don't see this ending well for CA.
Dear Al,

Hillary Clinton wants to outlaw Belgian Malinois, Beer and private gun ranges.


Cambridge Analytica
Facebook is upset because Cambridge Analytica duped them into disclosing information for a conservative campaign. It would have been offered willingly if Hillary had been the requestor.
Facebook is upset because Cambridge Analytica duped them into disclosing information for a conservative campaign. It would have been offered willingly if Hillary had been the requestor.

I'd say they're more upset that their shitty business practices got exposed. They've spent the whole time since the news broke trying to argue over what constitutes a "data breach". Zuckerberg has been as quiet as a church mouse.

Rather amusingly, Facebook actually offered to send employees to both the Trump and Clinton campaigns to help them utitlise Facebook as a platform for ads... The Trump campaign quite wisely said yes to the offer and Clinton said no.
Facebook is upset because Cambridge Analytica duped them into disclosing information for a conservative campaign. It would have been offered willingly if Hillary had been the requestor.

Data was mined during the Obama administration in 2012 through the API which gathered data on as many as 190 million users.
Well, if they want to glean data from my cat memes and talking shit about sports, they can have at it. I do have the tightest security settings, so we'll see....
They also used Ukranian sex workers to try and entrap politicians, the report said.
That sounds a lot like single source, unsubstantiated reporting to me.

As for the "Israeli spies," former intelligence officers need jobs, too. Opposition research is the perfect place for them.

At worst, Facebook was tricked into giving their data away.
As for the "Israeli spies," former intelligence officers need jobs, too. Opposition research is the perfect place for them.

Harvey Weinstein employed at least one former Mossad agent to help him quash potential issues. That bought him a few years out of the limelight and off a police blotter.