Chipotle/McDonald's/ food safety (or lack there of)


Sep 12, 2012
Will this never end?

More than 600 people got sick after eating at one Chipotle. Health...

Norovirus outbreak among N.C. McDonald's customers not linked to cyclosporiasis in salads: report

The company behind the McDonald's parasite outbreak that sickened 395 people still can't explain what happened

Stores can implement the strongest food safety polices in the industry, but when lettuce comes to the store're doomed. And I can tell you from experience that the limited amount of 'washing' restaurants do to their pre-bagged lettuce is scary at best.
At this point it's about the system and procedures the suppliers in each region has in place. I know right now in our specific region and the farms we source it from (Arizona) its clean. I can't speak for the other regions/co-ops.

Currently there is no SOP for washing produce, atleast AFAIK in the NA region. Could that change in the future if stuff like this keeps happening? Potentially. But I'm willing to bet we change suppliers first, and in doing so, the suppliers who do have problems will crack down heavily on their own sanitation and prevention measures due to losing out on their likely biggest buyer.
Recently had a Hardees here that had a major health scare with an employee infected with Hep A.

Estimated 4000 people who may have been affected.
Oof. That stuff is my past life I was an exec with McDonald's for about 10 years. I've learned to walk into a fast-food place and watch the staff for a few minutes. You can tell which ones have hand washing programs and which don't.

Food borne illnesses used to be my major concern when I was in the industry. Just one dopy employee not washing after wiping their ass can get a LOT of people very sick.