Congress Bans "Military-Grade" M200 Ammo


Intel Enabler
Verified SOF
Sep 9, 2006
Good thing I stocked up before the election. #Thanks Obama. IKIS

“At simulated crime scenes and mock battlefields across the country, we’ve seen more and more of theseM200 “Purple Tip” rounds,” explained Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell. “Moreover, this military-grade assault ammunition is shockingly unregulated. If you go to the “back 40″ training areas at literally any of the US’s military’s training bases, you will find Purple Tips by the case load tossed into dumpsters, pitched into creekbeds, hidden in the bushes, or stuffed into amnesty boxes all over post. ”

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From the article:

'Among members of the military, reactions to the announced M200 ban were mixed. “Hell yeah, ban all them shits!” exclaimed Specialist Leroy Nelson, of the Army’s elite Third Infantry Division. “Let’s go back to the days where we just yelled “BANG…BANG” and it didn’t take all freakin’ day long to clean weapons when we came back from the field.”'

I'm with this guy. I've had to hammer and chisel M200 carbon off SAW gas regulators one too many times. :thumbsdown::D:p
So did Congress approve a budget increase to put amnesty boxes beside every mailbox?

Congress approved a bill that requires you to build your own amnesty box. You have 20 days to comply or face fines and imprisonment. Home Depot and Lowes have an M200PT Amnesty Box kit for $34.95. And it must be mounted at least 27" from the ground not within 500 yards of a church or daycare center.
Congress approved a bill that requires you to build your own amnesty box. You have 20 days to comply or face fines and imprisonment. Home Depot and Lowes have an M200PT Amnesty Box kit for $34.95. And it must be mounted at least 27" from the ground not within 500 yards of a church or daycare center.

I bet they all hold stock in Home Depot...