CSM at Fort Hood suspended amid investigation into alleged ‘unprofessional language’


Sep 12, 2012
I’ll withhold judgment, but my initial reaction is.... “oh for fuck’s sake.”

Top enlisted soldier at Fort Hood suspended amid investigation into alleged ‘unprofessional language’

The Army official characterized the comments in question as “direct talk” that is sometimes used within light infantry formations, where Burgoyne spent much of his career, but not what is expected of a corps-level command sergeant major.

The investigation will determine whether the comments were at odds with the service’s “people first” policy push, which is intended to foster an environment of dignity and respect, the official added.
Dude had a helluva Infantrymans career, heavy and light, hit all the schools, even was the MFF PSG in a LRSU. And they are fucking him over some bullshit "hey troops square your shit away" speach...

Fucking agree 100% drop that retirement package and laugh your way to your mailbox money. Army has lost its goddamn mind.🤦‍♂️
If I was him I'd drop my papers and start terminal leave.
Not like he's getting a pay raise.
Friend of mine is a 1SG and is going through the same shit.
We are going to be fucked if we find ourselves in a serious war with the current attitudes.

Canada is going through similar shit. Many of my peers are leaving, the political bullshit that goes with the most senior ranks; isn't worth it. Especially now that Trudeau said the next Chief of Defence Staff's main priority, will be routing out right wing extremism. 2 guy's in the past year, both reservists and there's a racist on every corner.
Canada is going through similar shit. Many of my peers are leaving, the political bullshit that goes with the most senior ranks; isn't worth it. Especially now that Trudeau said the next Chief of Defence Staff's main priority, will be routing out right wing extremism. 2 guy's in the past year, both reservists and there's a racist on every corner.
Maybe you'll get lucky and he will try to deny it later like Obama did.
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Dude's getting fucked but he's also at Hood which is seeing leadership burned to the ground right now (and rightfully so IMO). He's collateral damage at this point. Doesn't make it right, just putting this into perspective thanks to the spotlight on Hood right now. Anyone with unshined boots will see their careers end in the next few months, we just won't hear about them.
Dude's getting fucked but he's also at Hood which is seeing leadership burned to the ground right now (and rightfully so IMO). He's collateral damage at this point. Doesn't make it right, just putting this into perspective thanks to the spotlight on Hood right now. Anyone with unshined boots will see their careers end in the next few months, we just won't hear about them.
Yep, and the minions will be out of control until one of them makes the news.
Fort Hood was always a little trashy. Didn't bother to read about the CSM getting relieved because I already know its BS. We're headed into a Democrat lead gov't and the stupidity will only get worse.