Dear Citadel - Sheets with eyeholes ="ghosts" and pillowcase with holes = KKK


Sep 12, 2012
You mean none of these guys thought this might be a bad idea? :wall:

Knowing only what is published in the story, I would expect future military leaders to show better judgement. They lost me after purposefully shaping the tops of the pillow cases to a point.

Citadel confirms suspensions after cadets filmed in white hoods

Dumb asses but that area is known for that retarded shit. In high school, I had a friend that had family lived in Charleston. I spent my 10th grade summer there. We met some of the cadets and they were strac. Speaking of the Citadel. Ever see the movie, "Lords Of Discipline"?

I've worked with a number of Citadel graduates and I respect maybe one or two of them. I'm not impressed with their "product."

Pointed pillowcases aren't "ghosts" you assholes. Considering the Klan started out claiming to be "ghosts" then maybe the dickbags are technically correct.....and are still assholes.
With that exhibition of SA...I wouldn't want them in charge of a working party cutting the grass in my yard much less leading anyone in a combat zone.

They are taking slots from perspective leaders while they are playing their clown games.
I love the Citadel's products; they supply OCS graduates with endless inside joke material.
An attempt at "unity" at the lower levels. Let's hope the concept did not get out of Barracks before the show started.
Well, apparently it DID get "out of the Barracks" since we're talking about it and looking at pictures of it.