Enlisted to Officer, how are injuries viewed (Air Force related)


Mar 10, 2020
Mountain Home, Idaho
Hello everyone,

I am currently Active Duty Air Force with the goal of moving from my current MOS, into Special Tactics Officer through ROTC. The current obstacle I'm dealing with is the physical injuries I've sustained, and how to deal with medical approving the transition. I have a history of concussions and was in a bad wreck, and currently working on recovery. Due to multiple broken bones, torn joints, and a TBI. I'm finishing speech therapy, and physical therapy soon within the next couple months. (Apologies If my writing is not legible)

I've been reading documents on the Air Force portal about having to get waivers for the injuries I have dealt with. How realistic is it obtain the waivers for multiple sections on the physical evaluation? I have no problem rejecting any VA disability, and completing any document or training I need to. My goal of reaching what you all have achieved hasn't been torn, I am just wondering your professional opinions on the matter.

Thank you for your time
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