Verified SOF
Aug 18, 2007
San Antonio Texas

Hope your bros got to be the guys who did the rescue/recovery.

BAGRAM AIRFIELD, AFGHANISTAN – A U.S. Air Force F-16 assigned to the 455th Air
Expeditionary Wing, crashed during take-off March 29 at about 8:30 p.m. near Bagram Airfield,
The pilot safely ejected, was recovered by Coalition forces, and is being evaluated by medical
personnel. Coalition forces are securing the crash site.
The cause of the accident will be investigated. More information will be released as it becomes available
Good to hear the pilot was not lost. Triggering the ejection sequence is violent, high G loading, spine shrinking event, and will scare the crap out of just about anyone. But the ejection process beats the alternative.
Glad he's OK, kind of anti-climatic for the CSAR guys then.
SCRAMBLE, an F-16 is down.

Where is he?
he's in the ECP drinking coffee with that big-titted cop from TX.:thumbsup:

If only they all went this well.
Glad he's OK, kind of anti-climatic for the CSAR guys then.
SCRAMBLE, an F-16 is down.

Where is he?
he's in the ECP drinking coffee with that big-titted cop from TX.:thumbsup:

Pretty much. I kind of had the same thoughts, PJ's running to the bird and stuff....and at some point hearing the guy walked to an ECP under his own power. They were probably half-relieved, half-thinking they live in a prison on planet bullshit.
Pretty much. I kind of had the same thoughts, PJ's running to the bird and stuff....and at some point hearing the guy walked to an ECP under his own power. They were probably half-relieved, half-thinking they live in a prison on planet bullshit.
True, but bummed they didn't get to do the mission.
Hope they let him call home quickly and let the wife (or parents) know he's ok.
Random thought.
The lack of downed aircraft over the years speaks volumes about the dedication you see from the Maintenance Airman.

Ya know, little is said about the ramp rats that work 24/7 to keep our birds combat capable, and in the air. These are not exactly new aircraft either. I was @ Hahn AFB, Germany when the F-16's replaced the F-4's in the early '80s. I am really glad to hear the good words for our maintainers. I don't know if we have any here on this board, but outstanding work, airmen!