Facebook "regularly suppresses" conservative content?


Intel Enabler
Verified SOF
Sep 9, 2006
I'm always leery of single-source reporting, will be interesting to see if there is any corroborating evidence emerging in the next few days.

"According to a bombshell revelation made in the trade magazine Gizmodo, Facebook employees known as “news curators” were ordered to exclude even wildly popular content if it was about a subject, or came from a site, that the company considered too conservative or that they simply didn’t like. They also supressed legitimately-trending stories if it was about topics they wanted to go away, like the Lois Lerner scandal, and even inserted certain content into the “trending” ticker when its popularity didn’t warrant it. According to Gizmodo’s source, this included the “Black Lives Matter” movement, which wasn’t an important enough subject to make Facebook’s trend line… until someone decided that it was."

facebook thumbs down big.jpg
Anything to do with Facebook wouldn't surprise. MZ is an arrogant bastard who thinks he knows what's best for the world so yeah, wouldn't be surprised.

I'm *this* close to deleting it again.
Out of left field, but for those who enjoy reading, "shockwave rider" can offer interesting perspectives on this.

Even though it was published 40 years ago.

I looked it up. Fascinating.

I activate my account maybe 1 or 2 weeks a year, mainly to stay in touch with my Marine brothers...that's about as long as it takes for me to feel that my life has been compromised and delete the account which somehow never actually goes away.
Facebook is monumental to keeping up with my military brother's and extended family. I hate the political push and censorship, but until something better comes along it's the best way for me to stay in touch.
It's not cool, but on the other hand it's their option to allow or disallow whatever they like, and ours whether or not to patronize. Whatever, my world doesn't revolve around fb.
It's not cool, but on the other hand it's their option to allow or disallow whatever they like, and ours whether or not to patronize. Whatever, my world doesn't revolve around fb.

Highly agree. Facebook's market determines their success or failure.

If the users don't like the news posted, they're free to take their media addiction somewhere else. Myspace or... whatever. I'm not on either and probably appear FOG right now.

To go full-on Stick In the Mud here: anyone getting their "news" from FB is an outright laughable thought.
I would be surprised if I was surprised by this. What DOES bother me that .gov now wants to get involved; the Republicans are all wanting to investigate. It's a private entity; let them flourish or fail on their own.
I'm pretty suprised. I see all kinds of stupid ass shit on Facebook. If they are censoring, why do I see so much garbage? I must have seen a hundred posts about Louis Lerner, including "recommended posts". Maybe that is because someone already posted something similar?