Financial insurance if you have to use your gun in self-defense


Sep 12, 2012
Anyone familiar with this type of insurance? Was having a discussion about it at the cigar store this morning and one of the guys recommended this link.


While I think it is potentially valuable, the first thing I thought of was some aggressive prosecutor saying something like, "Ladies and gentlemen of the jury. This man wanted to use his gun so bad he purchased special insurance for WHEN he did shoot another human being...."
Think of it as the same thing for a local police officer...most of us have an association or FOP that we pay into that offers legal counsel and 24hrs response, this is for off duty and on duty incidents.

Just to add, information and insurance coverage is briefed at all Texas CHL/LTC classes. I think its a great idea....not so much for protection in criminal self defense case, but of protection in the
civil law suit the scum bag or scum bag family will file on you.
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