Foam Armor?

That's impressive, I want to see more though. The lighter weight part is what really interests me.

The metallic plate armor used now will stop 7.62x54 AP in a similar manner, and will usually several hits until it cracks. I shot one 19 times with M855 at 25m before it broke in half.

I'm not sure how that .30-06 test round performs, buts I'm sure it's hotter than 7.62x54.
Metal foams are something that's been a long time coming. The biggest issue is uniformity of bubbles within the foam, as more often than not it's typically constructed as a closed cell foam design with an outer, able-to-be-handled layer.

Which is yet another reason we should be going hard into space, transit methods, space elevators bla de blah.... because a minimal gravity environment would allow for more uniformity as well as use of inert gas injection (internal rust prevention) if you're using ferrous materials.
Which is yet another reason we should be going hard into space, transit methods, space elevators bla de blah.... because a minimal gravity environment would allow for more uniformity as well as use of inert gas injection (internal rust prevention) if you're using ferrous materials.
... and I hear they're going to need some high-speed 18Bs to spearhead the new door gunner program!