Future of local law enforcement *Humor*

Haha, this is too real. If California continues its current trend in changing legislation for LE then this will become a reality in the not so distant future.
Haha, this is too real. If California continues its current trend in changing legislation for LE then this will become a reality in the not so distant future.

Is it though? I'm laughing because the top youtube comment from 4 years ago claims the exact same thing you say is "reality" in the not so distant future. Maybe it's like the religious doomsday prophets who keep claiming "it's happening" this year, every year.

Legislation in California changing LE’s use of force just passed.

Bill Text - AB-392 Peace officers: deadly force.

For sure. Maybe instead of just linking a bill that seems to have changed the language of use-of-force from "reasonable" to "necessary" you could instead develop an argument for how this foretelling of reality vis-a-vis the video.

I'm not a lawyer though, so maybe it's obvious.
Meh...that's nothing new and the same language as existing LEO use of force in other states.

That may be - I am unsure of other State’s use of force regulations. All I know is that the legislation is new for California and we have a very politically correct population which can lead to increased hardship for LEOs to do their job properly and safely.

For sure. Maybe instead of just linking a bill that seems to have changed the language of use-of-force from "reasonable" to "necessary" you could instead develop an argument for how this foretelling of reality vis-a-vis the video.

I'm not a lawyer though, so maybe it's obvious.

I am speaking from my own personal experiences from what I am being taught in my police academy. There is a lot of interpretation in the law, and changing language from reasonable to necessary can open a huge can of worms if one is sued for excessive force. Im sure quite a few kinks will be worked out in the coming years. It may not actually change California’s use of force as much as what has been predicted.

As for the link, I was providing a source for my claim. My claim also stems from talking to various active LEOs. These LEOs claim that their job has gotten harder over the past 5 years due to the increased negativity towards the profession by the public.

For example, San Diego PD has to fill out a 3 page questionnaire after ever single contact while they are on patrol. The questions consist of what race the subject was, how the contact was handled, etc... I don’t think that’s bad as a whole, but it decreases productivity from the patrol officers and decreases the likelihood that an officer will make a stop. This indicates precursor signs to the video posted.