German Shepherd Community

Yep-got to see pics of TR Can understand that.TR is a beaut. Dog handling and training is not something we can all be great at. I am not a 100 percent positive because I read some things on his Instagram but thought the vid had to do with safety. Think it has to do more with his dog not wearing ear defenders so he kept him between his legs.Could have been both. Dogs need ear defenders as well .TR looks like a very special dog-but its all in the handling. I bet he will do well.
Yep-got to see pics of TR Can understand that.TR is a beaut. Dog handling and training is not something we can all be great at. I am not a 100 percent positive because I read some things on his Instagram but thought the vid had to do with safety. Think it has to do more with his dog not wearing ear defenders so he kept him between his legs.Could have been both. Dogs need ear defenders as well .TR looks like a very special dog-but its all in the handling. I bet he will do well.

I think TR will do great. Shepherds, especially Belgians eat up training. My Belgian was a washout and is literally the best and most well trained and trainable dog I've had, and we've had tons! TR seems to have come from a reputable breeder and already is well balanced (judging from all the pictures). I believe in dog handling and training anyone can be great, so long as there is a good connection and trust between handler and dog. :thumbsup:
Thanks for the TR comments.

The DoD manual for training military working dogs has been a great help.
I haven't indoctrinated him to close gunfire yet, but lots of people around here shoot, especially on the weekends, so the dogs are very used to hearing gunfire and he has not shown the slightest concern.

The OP video is probably something I'm not gonna try.
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