Getting the Range Ready


Combined Action
Verified Military
Jun 29, 2014
Decisive Terrain
For cool weather shooting


Senor Machete.

The rifle bench.

Touching up 10-yard markers

Spreading rye seed

Cleared, raked and seeded.

Ready for action and it can't be seen by Government Gun Control Drones :thumbsup:
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Right on, I wish I had a place for a range around here. I have to go to the local WMA to shoot and that scares the heck out of me. I expect to get shot every time I go. I should probably wear body armor.
I let the critters and mosquitoes and vines take it over during the hot months, then in the fall go in and bushwhack. It ain't state-of-the-art but it's nice in the wintertime. And always open to SS members. ;-)
Where abouts would this range be located?

In his backyard......


I have to drive 10 minutes to get to the local range... not as many trees as the OP (um, none, actually)... but it is a 25-600 yd rifle, a nice shotgun range (including trap and skeet) and a good pistol range nestled in it's own little valley backing onto BLM land... I couldn't maintain a range of my own for what the annual Rifle club dues are...
My grandpa owns a lot of land down the road from where I go to school and it has this out door range that the LEO used until just recently.
I have not measured it but it is probably only 300 yards long in total, but I will be going out tomorrow with a buddy who is leaving for PJ's Monday. I finally found a store that sold 7.62x54R and had it in stock, the stores do not order it because the demand is not there. It is close to Ft. Rucker so I always wonder what it looks like as the helicopters fly over head, a lot.