Gilboa "Snake" Double-Barreled AR


Verified Military
Aug 14, 2007
Single trigger-pull double-taps: Arms Manufacture/Gilboa Rifle/page18/index.php

Weight 4.7 kg
I'd like to shoot one. For the past 20 years, any double barrel handgun has quickly been shot down (cwhatIdidthere) as impractical, just a novelty toy. With a handgun, especially with larger calibers, I can see how you're basically just doubling your recoil, increasing weight, and accomplishing nothing special by adding a second barrel.

But with a .556 and in a rifle (with such manageable recoil to begin with), I'd say "why not?" Not an affirmative, not a "great", not an applause, just a "why not"?

If you look at it from a purely academic point of view, two holes for the price of one sounds like a great idea. If anything, it's the reality setting in of two bolts, two firing pins, and how it plays out when it malfunctions. Actually that creates another line of thought: If you get a failure to fire/feed in one side of the chamber, does the other chamber still fire? That could -in theory- be a great pick up in reliability.
With their other "commando" weapons, AR variants, they (Gilboa Corp) have completely replaced the buffer assembly with a forward spring, making a very short (10 or 12 inches) AR platform. These guys also make briefcase guns and other semi-exotic weapons. I'd like to see if I can find video of this particular (Snake) rifle in competent hands.

I did find a few more pics.


I think it is kind of stupid, a neat gizmo or a novelty, nothing you would seriously use. Two barrels side-by-side? Fire both at the same time and see what your MOA looks like. Better be close to your target.

If I'm going to double the weight of my AR, I'll just pick up an M1A.
Just doing a little searching around on the thing, the weight is about 9.5 lbs- as compared to your typical 6 to 7 lbs. conventional AR, a 30% increase +/-. Not terrible, it seems they've sacrificed weight somewhere else- maybe thinner barrels?

From the pictures I've found, I can already see what happens when the whole double barrel idea starts to get the imagination going... gotta have double lasers, double flashlights, etc.
Ammo manufacturers are behind this - somewhere, I just know it.:D
Besides, I can't take a company seriously if their demonstration photos show a guy in all black. Solid black? This isn't 1985. Chuck Norris called and wants you to bring him some rockets for his motorcycle.

I'd stamp a Trident on the upper, give it a catchy name like the SEAL Light Assault Weapon and market it to fanboys and airsofters.
So is it now "four is two and two is none"? You're just doubling the number of things that can go wrong.