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May 25, 2019
By way of introduction I am providing you with my service brief. I was appointed a Jefferson County (KY) Deputy Coroner in 1981. I didn't connect well with the Coroner (Dr. Greathouse) and was very immature as well. Because of contacts made, I was able to transfer to the Prospect Police Department (KY) 82ish. I completed their 6 month cadet program and the additional directly supervised patrol program with Lt. Lewis S. Nugent. During that time I had a training assignment with the Louisville Division of Police, Narcotics Unit (POC Det. J. Warman LPD (Ret.). [NOTE: The Louisville Division of Police and Louisville Metro Police are not the same department. The latter was created out of the governmental unification of the City of Louisville & Jefferson Co, KY.] Lt. Nugent became chief in 1984 and I left the department in 1985 (temporarily I thought at the time) for Army OBC. Although originally picked up as a 1/LT (branch immaterial) in 1984, I was promoted to CPT Dental Corps in 1985 and assigned to HAAF, Savannah, GA. All of the TDA doctors stationed at HAAF were administratively assigned to units without TOE slots. I was assigned during my tenure to the 24th ID AVN BDE, 129 Special Operations Aviation Company (1st SOCOM), and the 1st BN, 75th IN (POC CW4 William Bradigan, USA(Ret.) for confirmation). Returning to the USAR in 1988, I was assigned to the MED PLT, Service Company, 11th SFG(ABN). I remained assigned to the group until it was deactivated.
While at HAAF I qualified as an MI officer via MI Officer Branch Qualification Course, and began Reserve Officer SFOQC (85 or 86), The SFOQC went through several changes while I was enrolled going from the pure "paper tab" to a hybrid, and then elimination of the entire reserve program. If you were enrolled and making progress you were allowed to complete the program. I completed the "hybrid" program (a lot more field training). After deactivation I did some periodic service with what is today known as non-DOD IC activities.
I entered the Virginia DOC in 1988 and left in 2004 having reached Director of Dental Services (Acting). I then worked as a contractor for several years (POC Dr. William Smallwood) , took a break from correction in public health, then returned as a contracted employee with ICE (Farmville, VA) with security clearance. I was ordained to the ministry in 2012 and served as a Chaplain to Chesterfield Fire & EMS for 5 years (POC Capt. Randy Perdue).
Thank you.
Roger that.

I visited the vetting link but the following message was posted ... q.v. "You do not meet the criteria for any forms. No forms are available for you".

Will you please provide the link?

Thank you for the link.
For credentials, will you accept a notarized copy of my SF Detachment Officer Qualification Course diploma to establish my credentials? I also remain in occasional contact with an SF NCO and an SF (JSOC) officer with whom I either served or knew me well, downrange. Their credentials are above reproach and easier to establish as they did not go "Intelligence Community". I am still under several non-disclosure agreements.
Thank you
Thank you for the link.
For credentials, will you accept a notarized copy of my SF Detachment Officer Qualification Course diploma to establish my credentials? I also remain in occasional contact with an SF NCO and an SF (JSOC) officer with whom I either served or knew me well, downrange. Their credentials are above reproach and easier to establish as they did not go "Intelligence Community". I am still under several non-disclosure agreements.
Thank you
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