

Dec 1, 2015
southwest Ohio
Hi all! I'd like to thank you all preemptively for the help and information I hope to receive during my time on this site.
I am a 27 year old father and husband looking to enlist in the Air Force. I have a couple years of university completed which I plan to use toward a promoted rank of E-3.
As a kid, I never had interest or knowledge in anything military and I'm sorry to say, honestly thought guys joined the military out of high school because they had no better option. Yeah, sorry about that. I guess that comes from having little familial military influence and growing up in a rough neighborhood. I started reading a few books and BAM, Air Force special operations is all I want to do. I read No Room For Error and two years later, I'm looking for a CCT contract. It's funny how things happen in life.
I've been working on enlisting for over a year now and seem to be running into obstacle after obstacle. We're moving forward but I can't help but feel like I haven't had great luck with the 3 recruiters that I've worked with. Yes, 3.

I look forward to foruming with you all and thanks again!
Welcome aboard!

Perseverance and tenacity are great traits to possess for what you are wanting to do. Don't quit now...or you will surely quit later.

Best of fortune to you!
Welcome to SS. Moderator hat on: x SF med said it best, your poll is over the top. The purpose of an introduction thread is to introduce yourself, and you did that. After your intro, site members have the chance to welcome you. The poll is out of place.
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I thought I'd post an update to my enlistment situation. A couple months after my initial intro, I seem to have cleared the qualifying complications. I was approved for a waiver for a local income tax charge which finally allowed me to go to MEPS. I am officially a lowly DEP'er.
The local recruiting sqdrn had a CCT job that went unbooked last month so if I can pass my first official PAST test this coming Tuesday, the slot is mine to ship May 3rd. The next couple days are mostly rest days before testing and I'm feeling good.
The last couple weeks have been interesting as I attempt to convince my wife that leaving her and my two kids behind for a year of training will long term be good for us. I don't like the idea of leaving but I have a serious drive for this opportunity and she knows that, and I think she understands the desire. I guess to be more accurate, I'm less convincing her that things will be fine, and more pleading with her to be okay with this decision.

Thanks for listening all. I'm taking all avenues available to vent my thoughts. Happy Sunday /:thumbsup:\
Commenting on your question within an "intro thread" is taboo.

Begin a fresh thread under "General Discussions " and I am certain that you will get the responses you seek -

ETA: Good lord, just noticed this is an intro thread from over 2 months ago. Pushing 'em out...