Hey there...


SOF Support
Feb 27, 2014
Military Mentor
Im a former Marine, served from 02 to 06 in 1st Fast and then ATBN. Sucks that I spent my entire enlistment in the failed 4th MEB. Anyways, I spent a good majority of training time at II MEF SOTG and FLTC (CQB, Assault Breachers Course, HRP, HRST, Non Lethal. Ive also been through the IDF Counter Terror school. I was a well schooled, but as the 4th MEB was a failure, it let a lot of assests go to waste.

I have two deployments (Liberia and Iraq), and one summer vacation to Gitmo.
Welcome Marine, great folks here willing to share their knowledge and expertise if you take the time to show that you are serious!
Im a former Marine, served from 02 to 06 in 1st Fast and then ATBN. Sucks that I spent my entire enlistment in the failed 4th MEB. Anyways, I spent a good majority of training time at II MEF SOTG and FLTC (CQB, Assault Breachers Course, HRP, HRST, Non Lethal. Ive also been through the IDF Counter Terror school. I was a well schooled, but as the 4th MEB was a failure, it let a lot of assests go to waste.

I have two deployments (Liberia and Iraq), and one summer vacation to Gitmo.

Welcome Marine. Semper Fi.