House discussing citizen-only voting bill...


Verified Military
Nov 3, 2015
Durham, NC
...and the left is losing their shit:

Hakeem Jeffries: "(Bill) is designed to jam people up and prevent Americans from voting."

Terri Sewell: "(The bill) is a dangerous, anti-democratic bill that has no place on our floor."

Delia Ramirez: "...a discriminatory rule rooted in fear and division."

Jennifer McClellan: " the 2024 version of the Jim Crowe poll tax."

Summer Lee: "...a xenophobic attack."

I can't say I understand their type of crazy, but I am impressed with their total commitment to it...
Aren't non citizens already unable to vote? Not to defend the crazies in the democratic party, but why was this a discussion at all? This seems more like an opportunity by both parties to virtue signal to their respective bases than anything actually productive.
Aren't non citizens already unable to vote? Not to defend the crazies in the democratic party, but why was this a discussion at all? This seems more like an opportunity by both parties to virtue signal to their respective bases than anything actually productive.

Not necessarily. In some places non-citizens can vote in a lot of local and municipality elections.
Dont forget - ID cards are racist and xenophobic - so is geology and climate change

I always laugh at the ID card one.

The people that claim they can't go and get an ID, for whatever reason, always seem to have zero issues buying alcohol, tobacco, and other items that, by law, require an ID.

I get nobody cards for anything anymore outside of campus bars, but seriously. Do you know how often you technically need an ID for everyday activities? It's not hard to get one either...
I always laugh at the ID card one.

The people that claim they can't go and get an ID, for whatever reason, always seem to have zero issues buying alcohol, tobacco, and other items that, by law, require an ID.

I get nobody cards for anything anymore outside of campus bars, but seriously. Do you know how often you technically need an ID for everyday activities? It's not hard to get one either...
Probably afraid of walking in to get an ID, and getting picked up on warrants. That's my theory at least, although a far fetched one at that. But fallacies is what their arguments are.
My response to that would be, if you actually believe that there's no rigging of the system with elections, then why be upset about it in the first place? All answers to my question must be fact based and not any logical fallacies, do read up on what fallacies are because I already do know what they are and what they are not. Timenowgo.
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My response to that would be, if you actually believe that there's no rigging of the system with elections, then why be upset about it in the first place? All answers to my question must be fact based and not any logical fallacies, do read up on what fallacies are because I already do know what they are and what they are not. Timenowgo.

Berkley Liberal: Minorities are simply uncapable of carrying government issued ID. It's an undue burden on the lower class to perpetuate white supremacy.

Black kid from Harlem: You think I'm an idiot?

To preface this, I don’t care.

I think the two sides boil down to this strawman.

A: I’d rather 100 people not be able to vote to stop one fake voter from voting.

B: I’d rather 100 fake votes to allow one real voter to vote.

This is how the arguments look to me. However I agree it isn’t that hard to get a photo ID. There is no law the government has requiring one though.
I took a sociology course years ago and one topic was how you could skew poll results. Where did you ask the questions, how did you ask the questions, how did you select the people you asked, etc. We don't have this guy's raw footage to know how many people were involved or their answers.

That said, do I think the video's premise is correct? Yes. Based on on what? Anecdotal evidence conversing with the dozen-ish Liberal friends I know.

These gotcha' videos are kind of trash IMO.
I took a sociology course years ago and one topic was how you could skew poll results. Where did you ask the questions, how did you ask the questions, how did you select the people you asked, etc. We don't have this guy's raw footage to know how many people were involved or their answers.

That said, do I think the video's premise is correct? Yes. Based on on what? Anecdotal evidence conversing with the dozen-ish Liberal friends I know.

These gotcha' videos are kind of trash IMO.

Now I am going to get nerdy. There are two fundamental issues when it comes to studies/research/polls: 1) flawed methodology, and 2) flawed conclusions. Your post speaks to the flawed methodology, and stats 101, day 1, week 1, you learn how to get a statistically correct sample from a population and how to ask the 'right' questions.

Yeah, absolutely stuff like this is meant to lead the view to a predestined conclusion or outcome.
I think the video is a great example of the divide between the liberals who are out to fix all societies ills, and the normal working class population. In my experience, even hood rat idiots in Rochester, NY carried ID when leaving the house.

Every time I vote in Ohio there is a polling station with the voter rolls and they check your ID to your name and address. Since I've never seen anybody try to vote without ID, I don't know how it would go. Not sure if it's law here or what.

For the life of me, I don't know why this wouldn't be the case everywhere already. Voter fraud is a thing.
Berkley Liberal: Minorities are simply uncapable of carrying government issued ID. It's an undue burden on the lower class to perpetuate white supremacy.

Black kid from Harlem: You think I'm an idiot?

Good ol projection of racism right there with her. Accuse the other of it, meanwhile actually being racist it on camera. I'd like to really believe that they all ain't this naïve to really believe that, some rather are but there's quite a few whom are not and using it as a political weapon.

AOC is a perfect example of someone doing it. She knows what she is doing. That staged photo of her crying to sway public opinion of illegal aliens being detained and then her face when being caught doing it tells us everything we need to know about her complete lack of any integrity.
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Now I am going to get nerdy. There are two fundamental issues when it comes to studies/research/polls: 1) flawed methodology, and 2) flawed conclusions. Your post speaks to the flawed methodology, and stats 101, day 1, week 1, you learn how to get a statistically correct sample from a population and how to ask the 'right' questions.

Yeah, absolutely stuff like this is meant to lead the view to a predestined conclusion or outcome.
Both sides are using propaganda, anyone not willing to admit to that is either a twit of ignorant bliss or a horribly bad obtuse and quite useless stick in the mud.
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Its only propaganda when the bad guys use it - when the good guys use it, we prefer to call it "themes and messaging" - same exact content, delivery, and target audiences - just different spellings.

Bad Guys use propaganda
Good Guys use themes and messaging