I must not have done my introduction right.

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John 3:16
Verified SOF
Oct 4, 2015
Hi, I'm a red blooded conservative American. I bleed red, white, and blue. I believe in GOD and his only Son Jesus. I support and defend the constitution and the 1st and second amendments. Anyone who has a problem with that or is triggered by that well that's just too damn bad.

I talk about what I believe and what interests me and I don't pull punches.

If that is out of line on your website then go ahead and ban me.

GOD Bless.
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Mate I'm not trying to be a dick when I say this but I think you need some fresh air away from the Internet. I think you'll feel better about life.
I'm good on life but the left leaning minority or GOD forbid majority on this website sickens me.

It is time for American men to be men again and women to be women. I'm tired of the alphabet soup that is constantly being forced on our society by a minority of the population.

I don't care if you suck one or eat one just don't make it my fucking problem and don't try and teach that shit to our kids.

I'm done with it and I'm done with anyone that supports it.

If this website is majority left leaning then I have no business here.

GOD Bless
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