ICC may look to prosecute US mil/CIA personnel

Personally, I don't feel we should have anything to do with the ICC. We prosecute our people...they don't!
Just wait until they get a hold of all the westerners who have been going andfighting in Iraq and Syria. Give it about 10 years.

The United States is not going to allow the ICC prosecute any US government employees, I just don't see that holding anywater. Civilians who decided to run a muck in a war zone is a very different thing. There is money to be had there.

It is complicated for sure. But I do foresee local/US LE authorities giving the ICC a big ol' middle finger if they tried to extradite from within the US.
"Members of US armed forces appear to have subjected at least 61 detained persons to torture, cruel treatment, outrages upon personal dignity on the territory of Afghanistan between 1 May 2003 and 31 December 2014," according to the report issued by Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda's office on Monday.

Fuck you, Fatou.


ISIS executes civilians as Iraqi forces gain ground in Mosul
ICC prosecutors: US forces may have committed war crimes :: WRAL.com

This raises a lot of questions. How can US citizens be extradited from the US if the US says "no?" Can they (be extradited)? It seems the ICC is still trying to figure out if they can even prosecute.
This is exactly what the Armed Service Member Protection Act is for, so we can laugh in the face of comical international courts.

Good one Hague, now who is going to serve the warrant???
*insert evil laugh*
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...This raises a lot of questions. How can US citizens be extradited from the US if the US says "no?" Can they (be extradited)?...

No. They can't.

They're dredging up so-called American war crimes in Iraq because the African Union bitched at them that the ICC was unfairly targeting Africans and oh, by the way, instead of persecuting us why don't you look into American war crimes in Iraq." So to assure the Africans that they are not being unfairly targeted by the white devil colonialist Europeans, they've opened an investigation into our activities in Iraq from 2003 on.

It's a fucking dog and pony show and it doesn't mean anything because President-Elect Trump is not likely to give the ICC anything but finger.
I think of the ICC as a bunch of "non-hackers" who have been bullied all of their lives and now want to exert their will on whomever they feel violated their laws.

No...I don't think we will be extraditing anyone to their kangaroo court. If we ended up doing so, I would seriously not have any faith left in our system and sovereignty.
I think of the ICC as a bunch of "non-hackers" who have been bullied all of their lives and now want to exert their will on whomever they feel violated their laws.

No...I don't think we will be extraditing anyone to their kangaroo court. If we ended up doing so, I would seriously not have any faith left in our system and sovereignty.
There's a law that says we won't, so we can all stop worrying.
There's a law that says we won't, so we can all stop worrying.

Believe me brother, I haven't spent a second "worrying" about it at all other than the few seconds it took me to type that post as I knew we wouldn't.:thumbsup:
No. They can't.

They're dredging up so-called American war crimes in Iraq because the African Union bitched at them that the ICC was unfairly targeting Africans and oh, by the way, instead of persecuting us why don't you look into American war crimes in Iraq." So to assure the Africans that they are not being unfairly targeted by the white devil colonialist Europeans, they've opened an investigation into our activities in Iraq from 2003 on.

It's a fucking dog and pony show and it doesn't mean anything because President-Elect Trump is not likely to give the ICC anything but finger.

I was having a related discussion with one of my lieutenants today. "This is why we don't intervene in more "humanitarian disasters.""
I was having a related discussion with one of my lieutenants today. "This is why we don't intervene in more "humanitarian disasters.""
One group cutting lips off, one group is necklacing, everyone is raping...

What could go wrong?