If you point a gun at an old man and he takes his glasses off....

I like seeing people take action against predators and not simply allowing themselves to be victimized. Glad it ended well for all of the good guys!
That young fella came in thinking he was in for a payday...
...before he knew what hit him he was relieved of his gun, his hat, his backpack, his shirt, his hoodie, and his dignity

Not that dignity is something he had much of when he rolled out of bed that morning, but when an old guy armed with nothing more than a cowboy hat and set of huge balls up and beats half of your clothes off of you AFTER you have pointed a gun in his face...
...well, whatever dignity that punk had ended up on the floor in the potato chip aisle
The minute that punk turned his weapon the old vaquero owned his ass. Good move on the store employee scooping up the dropped gun. The punk would be dead if Senor had been packing.