
After reading all 3 of your posts I've noticed you are lacking an attention to detail when it comes to your grammar. If you want a position within SOF you are going work on that.

I assume your posting on an iPhone or something. Just keep in the back of your mind that most of the guys on here have or had some form of rank so we all freak out when we see something not capitalized or with messed up grammar. It comes from a lot of painful hours filling out the paperwork that greases the wheels of the system.

It's up to you but an extra minute spent reading and editing your message before you hit post reply will go a long way to endearing you to the community. Think of it like MARCH, you don't shortcut that one do you?

Enjoy your time, there is a bit of knowledge on here to use if you can get through me trying to make every thread all gay and stuff.
I saw a vehicle out here the other day with your user name as their license plate, some type of SUV, I forget the make and model...
I scoffed.
Welcome aboard.

How far along in your training are you?

My aplogizes, I meant i want to go SEAL or Sarc.

You don't "go" either of these. SEALs and SARCs are not the same thing and I'm sure you know that. I think the fact that you used SF as a general term and then followed it up with "SEAL or SARC" means you need to do your research and/or drop it and focus on whatever the job at hand is. I am just a lurker working hard towards my goal of earning the 8427 NEC, but I am also a fellow corpsman and would like to stress to you the importance of situational awareness and attention to detail. It is my belief that many of these members will say the same.

Good luck.