

Verified Military
May 8, 2014
Hello all,
I would like to start by saying thank you for accepting me onto the site, it has already helped me out with a vast amount of information and some very good reading material.
Now on to my Intro:

I am a US Marine. I have been in the Marine Corps Reserves for 6 years. I served 4 years with Bravo Co. 1/23 in Loussiana as an 0311 Rifleman, SAW gunner, and team leader. I deployed to Helmand, Afghanistan in 2010-11.
Then served with H&S Co. 1/23 in Texas after succesfully completing the Scout Sniper indoc and being selected. I trained with them for almost two years.
As my time on my contract drew to an end, I tried out for Army SF NG. I was selected and have been allowed the opportunity to proceed to SFAS in the very near future.
I am looking to gain as much knowledge as I can here on SFAS, the Q, and SF in general. My time with the Army officialy starts in June, and I will no longer be a (current) Jarhead, only a former one... and looking forward to it!