

Nov 13, 2014
Afternoon everyone, I just made an account on this site hoping to gain knowledge from my recent interest to join the military. I just started college with 60 Credits (from my high-school program), Majoring in Criminal Justice Management and I'm planning on applying to ROTC for the Air force in hoping to become a combat rescue officer. Helping our troops has always been a priority in my opinion, i can imagine the darkest time in someones life is when they are in the worst of a situation and i would like to be that hope for our troops to get them out of there safe and sound. I have interests in law enforcement and in the military. I was hoping to Join The U.S. Marshal service when i get out of the military (hopefully for their tactical operations unit). I was never the type of person to sit behind a desk all day working a 9-5 shift, i always enjoyed the outdoors and just moving around constantly. As far as my physical fitness goes on this long journey into the military life, its pretty low, i got an Acl tear about 3 years ago and gained a tremendous a lot of weight. I'm currently 5"11 weighing at 210 pounds and I'm trying to go to the gym a few types a week, even run occasionally at night. But overall I'm very hungry for knowledge and will hope to learn anything i can from you brave men and women and thank you for serving our country, i greatly appreciate and hope to return the favor someday