

Dec 27, 2016
Hello everyone, I am a former (0331) Marine. I served four years of active duty between 2007 and 2011. I joined straight out of high school. I've been a civilian for awhile now, and I've come to realized that it's not for me currently. I have more in the "tank", which is why I joined this site. The civilian world has not been too difficult for me, I've done well at most jobs since I've been out. But I'm not done with the military yet. I'm 28 and currently finishing up my bachelor's degree. Basically, my plan is to finish my degree by the winter of next year and go back into the service. I'm interested in the going 18x or maybe trying MARSOC this time, but giving myself plenty of time to prepare for anything. I stumbled upon this site while researching possible training programs for preparation. I'm here to learn, grow, improve, and contribute anyway I can for the community. All help or advice will be greatly appreciated. If anyone can point me in the right direction for training programs or knowledge to help me accomplish my goal, that'd be great. I look forward to meeting everyone!
Welcome Marine!

Best of success to you in your future goals and objectives!