

Aug 29, 2017
I have been a long time lurker on this site and it has been an extremely valuable asset. Thank you to all for all of the help/guidance/contributions. I have always wanted to go military, but I went to college first and got sidetracked along the way. I got my undergraduate degree in Finance and got a good, professional job out of college in that industry and quite frankly I hate it and it's time for me to finally commit.

At first I really wanted to pursue an officer role; I have a few years of management experience and plenty of years of leadership on sports teams. I really enjoy looking out for others over my own needs/feelings; I almost find that it helps looking out for others in tough situations because I don't get distracted on thoughts or feelings about myself. But after extensive research, lurking on all the forums and conversations and interviews with individuals in the SOF community it sounds as though going enlisted is the best route and if I want to go officer down the road I can try then.

I am currently in the AF DEP going for CCT. I crushed the PAST on my first go no problem and now I'm just waiting for a minor hearing issue to get cleared up before I'm able to get a ship date. If for some reason the AF doesn't let me go CCT because of missing the hearing standard in one of my ears by 5hz then I'm prepared to go right in and test with the Navy for a slot at BUD/S.

Thanks for having me.
Welcome aboard! Best of success to you on your future goals and objectives.