JCU and comms support


Jun 22, 2024
Trivial question: Not JCU, but I think it would be cool. They're in JSOC and have a screener, would that qualify as "verified SOF" or not?

I've heard about operators, support, and direct support as distinctions in a SOF unit. I'd love to know what comms guys do in tier 1 elements, and which ones have slots for them. And who leads them? Comm NCOs? Comm Os?
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Trivial question: Not JCU, but I think it would be cool. They're in JSOC and have a screener, would that qualify as "verified SOF" or not?

I've heard about operators, support, and direct support as distinctions in a SOF unit. I'd love to know what comms guys do in tier 1 elements, and which ones have slots for them. And who leads them? Comm NCOs? Comm Os?

1. JCU is cool, but there are much better direct support comm positions out there. Army SMUs have commo guys, 18E's and not, who go out with their squadrons.
2. Top of my head, SOF units in Japan/ Okinawa are the AF SOW and 1/1 SFG(A). The Marines had a Recon element out there at one time, but they have restructured so much I couldn't tell you what the Corps is running in PACOM.

Comm support in an AF SOW or STS is most assuredly fobbit stuff and either maintenance or base comm AFSC's. Oddly, the Combat Comm units (1st and 5th? They cut 3rd Herd a few years ago) have some really neat non-SOF opportunities and a decent budget, but they are at...Robbins in GA and Ramstein in Germany if memory serves. I can't speak to their "new" expeditionary base unit thingies they created awhile ago.

SOF billets in Japan/ Oki are poretty limited and the odds of you homesteading for much of your career are beyond slim. I know a couple who got away with it, but they did a Kadena/ Korea/ Iwakuni or something like that 6-8 year tour before finally returning to the US. They are also not SOF and with AFSC's where they could work out the rotation.
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You are clearly a great person and I appreciate you.

I'm a 50 YO asshole with time on his hands.

One thing to give you a leg up, is take a one-year unaccompanied Korea rotation if you can. They tend to go to the top of the heap for follow-on assignments. The AF would almost certainly return you back to the States, but you could volunteer again after a few years and game the system as long as billets for your job and rank exist. The AF tends to be more lenient for couples where both are AF, but again...billets for rank and AFSC must be available.

If you're playing the odds, you're talking a non-SOF assignment (at least once) to Japan, Korea, back to Japan in units where your AFSC is in demand. F-16 maintainers are probably #1, but that job sucks. C-130 crew/ maintainers, support AFSC's like base Comm, Civil Engineers, aviation life support, etc.
@nocomms The definition you've got is pretty much correct. Not sure if it is a newer distinction or not, but I've seen it in writing.
An important note isn't that "some" enablers go out and others don't, but that there is a specific role direct support fills/assess for. Think SOT-A or EOD. You've also got med and comms roles that can be filed by the appropriate 18 series in addition to a qualified 68W/25(whatever).

As to your other questions, I'm not a comms guy nor in a tier 1 unit, so I can't answer that. Best I'd advise is look at the sort of slots openly advertised in other SOF support units, such as the 528th. I also found this reddit thread from a JCU Recruiter thats years old, but might have some answers for ya.
Delta has a Mission Support Squadron (or whatever they are called) with comm, medics, etc. Comm guys in that squadron aren't necessarily 18E's. I don't think they kick doors, I think they remain with the GFC. They get MFF and whatever else is required and most assuredly over the last 20 years shot a person or two.

But you are looking at a very, very niche element.

All of the above is out there in the open, BTW.
Delta has a Mission Support Squadron (or whatever they are called) with comm, medics, etc. Comm guys in that squadron aren't necessarily 18E's. I don't think they kick doors, I think they remain with the GFC. They get MFF and whatever else is required and most assuredly over the last 20 years shot a person or two.

But you are looking at a very, very niche element.

All of the above is out there in the open, BTW.
That sounds absolutely amazing. I promised my wife I'd go for TACP, but what you're describing sounds so much cooler.
Juse remember J
This is a lame answer, but I really do want to do a tour/live in Japan. I'm willing to flex active/reserve, shooter/support, and branch in order to make that happen.

Priorities include:
1. Japan. Tracking SF, AFSW, USMC Recon are out there.
2. Supportable for entire career (not temporary)
3. Immediacy of getting in (already 30). I'm running a high 18-low 20 min 3 mile, 33:30 5 mile, rucking 2:30 for 12 miles, still working on certain calisthenics, for specific branches.
Just remember, Japan and Okinawa are two vastly different cultures and environments.
You also are assuming you get selected, make it through training, and get Okinawa as your first assignment.
From your perspectives, would a ranger tab increase the ability of a comm support member to work with operators?
I'm not SOF but I've done some hard things. Here's something I've learned that may help you.

You are not likely to make it through a demanding pipeline unless you are committed to the mission you're training for. All the career fields you're talking about have extremely low success rates in their pipelines. Most who try don't succeed. If your motivation is simply to get to Japan, the odds aren't stacked in your favor.

There are a lot of conventional MOSs that can get you to those duty stations.

Just a thought.
Are you in the Marines? You mentioned Recon. That's a good route for tough communicators. Unfit communicators also have a role but it would be more administrative (help desk like) in nature. MARSOC is also great but no permanent footprint in Japan. A BRC grad communicator is just like any other Recon Marine in their team for the most part. You could also potentially lat move over. I know there are some high speed joint SOF cyber assignments out there. That's about the limit of what we discuss about that but the Marine Corps has an office that helps you apply for special programs you don't know about. I'm not kidding, you submit a generic application with your background and skills and they shop it around for you with all the units that don't exist. Having a Recon or MARSOC background would help you though.
Are you in the Marines? You mentioned Recon. That's a good route for tough communicators. Unfit communicators also have a role but it would be more administrative (help desk like) in nature. MARSOC is also great but no permanent footprint in Japan. A BRC grad communicator is just like any other Recon Marine in their team for the most part. You could also potentially lat move over. I know there are some high speed joint SOF cyber assignments out there. That's about the limit of what we discuss about that but the Marine Corps has an office that helps you apply for special programs you don't know about. I'm not kidding, you submit a generic application with your background and skills and they shop it around for you with all the units that don't exist. Having a Recon or MARSOC background would help you though.
I'll PM you.