JPurvis Intro


Apr 7, 2013
Dallas, TX
Hey Guys,

I have been in the process of joining the military for over a year now. I started the process with the Navy through the SEAL Challenge program..long story ,but to some it up, after my MEPS physical I started training with the local SEAL mentors. A few weeks into the training they realized that I was somehow skipped on the Color vision test at MEPS. So upon returning to MEPS to take the color portion I found out for the first time that I have a slight color deficiency. This was a huge shock to me, I have never had a problem in a normal life situation, but the color dot test proved otherwise. Anyways, Since the Special Operations Field is what i have been looking for specifically, I started looking at ways around this issue. I am aware that even slight colorblindness is disqualifying, but I heard from quite a few Airmen that the Air Force would be more likely to waiver anything than the Navy would due to the SEAL challenge programs being flooded with candidates recently. I am currently looking into the AF and what options they have if i have to join and then retrain later. Lengthy intro I know but so far I have had a long disappointing road in trying to join this community, and i hope one day i get that opportunity. Thanks.
Welcome to SS.

I was working with a young man, and family friend, to gain admission to a service acaademy. He too had color blindness, and that kept him from going to the USNA. He was, however; admitted to the USMA, class of '92.

Best of luck in your quest.

RF 1
Welcome. Good luck but take my bit of advice.

Attention to detail is probably one of the most important things in life, whether in uniform or not. You are not consistent in your writing; capitalization and proper use of punctuation.
Thanks Guys.

Welcome. Good luck but take my bit of advice.

Attention to detail is probably one of the most important things in life, whether in uniform or not. You are not consistent in your writing; capitalization and proper use of punctuation.

Yea looking back on the post I do see some errors. I was on my iphone when posting the intro and its very easy to get lazy when typing that much on a phone. I did take English in college I promise lol. My job has also hindered my use of correct punctuation, I work in Mortgage banking and the systems we use to update accounts does everything for us. Thanks though, I will take any advice given to me.
Do you have a relative that was a PJ? Welcome.

I do, I have an Uncle that was a PJ. That is what got me looking into the military at first. I originally planned on going in the AF, I only looked into the Navy after a buddy of mine had started the SEAL challenge program and received his SO contract. Many have told me that PJ would be out of my reach given the waiver needed, but I still have hope that one day that will change. Thanks!
Welcome! Good luck on the whole enlistment. On a side note, I was a little scared for a second- I have a professor with the same Surname and first initial as you lol again welcome aboard.