Links for families?

Yeah there are hundreds of them. Googling the base they are on and looking at family resources would be the best place to start as each base may have a different infrastructure set up.
Well, was looking for possible(?) legal guidance that could, at least guide to an honest lawyer, if there is such a thing, and second resources for someone on oxygen, in a wheel chair that is struggling to keep up with bills, the widow of a Vietnam Vet. Should I contact the Base of origin or?? Not sure how to proceed. Thank you for being helpful in advance!
I'm not sure if I read your response correctly so please check me if I am wrong. It seems like you're looking to talk to Base Legal. Personally, I've never encountered anyone from that realm in my professional career so I cannot help you properly without misinforming you. Best course of action would be to take the advice @TLDR20 gave you and proceed that way.
That is not possible at this time Sir. He passed a few years ago... Agent Orange caught up with him in a bad way. I know he was at Fort Campbell and Bragg, and went to Yuma, I believe... 101st Airborne Assault Screaming Eagle, and not sure how to count his rank(SP4) as either enlisted, or NCO, or if that even matters. I do know Campbell is the home of the Eagles, so would that be the technical base he would be on or?? He never said from where he was deployed from. Should I contact Campbell then and go from there? I tried contacting a cousin of ours, a retired master sgt. of the U.S.A.F, however I am waiting on a response from the sgts. assoc.
Thank you NavyBuyer! that may help her out tremendously!
Legal because of my own legal issues. I am guaranteed at least one major issue will be dismissed(*not expunged, but a not guilty dismissed with no recourse possible from the prosecuting attorney) possibly and probably the other major issue as well. The legal aspect I may need assistance with, however, what I am asking for legal assistance at this time involves questions, serious questions concerning the above stated Vietnam Vets death. I needed someone I trust to look over a few things, and to be completely honest, I only trust Vets and active... maybe a character flaw, but that is how I was raised, and who I was raised around my whole life.
O.M.G Thank you thank you thank you very very very very much!!!! that is awesomesauce amount of resources that I know will help! Thank you thank you! Been driving myself past frustration trying to resolve that on my own! Some of those guys and gals may be able to answer other questions I have as well! I owe you 3 deeply, and even though you may not know me, I always repay my debts, and you have no idea how much I owe you right now!
Good advice NavyBuyer, I know that, have learned that, it's still the group from thew masses I will always go to though when something truly matters to me. You know... you are the third Marine that has kicked my butt into the right direction... hmm.. whether you know it or not, I am starting to lean towards that way after A.F ( age requirements )
Good advice NavyBuyer, I know that, have learned that, it's still the group from thew masses I will always go to though when something truly matters to me. You know... you are the third Marine that has kicked my butt into the right direction... hmm.. whether you know it or not, I am starting to lean towards that way after A.F ( age requirements )

Your posts are confusing, and your main points seem rather elusive. Your post above had me wondering if, perhaps, you were already in the USAF. Then I read your "Blue to Green thread. You need to read more, and post less.
Thank you NavyBuyer! that may help her out tremendously!
Legal because of my own legal issues. I am guaranteed at least one major issue will be dismissed(*not expunged, but a not guilty dismissed with no recourse possible from the prosecuting attorney) possibly and probably the other major issue as well. The legal aspect I may need assistance with, however, what I am asking for legal assistance at this time involves questions, serious questions concerning the above stated Vietnam Vets death. I needed someone I trust to look over a few things, and to be completely honest, I only trust Vets and active... maybe a character flaw, but that is how I was raised, and who I was raised around my whole life.

You sound just like someone we had around here recently. He too had legal problems but thought felonies were wrong, the prosecutor was wrong and so was the judge and jury.