@Joachim, you are a college student, whose dad was in the military, have never served, have been a member of the site for about a week, and you are telling us how we should handle requests from one member to another, because you are too lazy to search the site and make a personal connection with a possible mentor?
Don't you think this is a bit presumptuous for your third post on the board? Do you not think we've discussed this in the past and the reason stated above - "...make a personal contact with a possible mentor..." - might be a damn fine reason for doing the things the way we do?
What about staleness of information, did that ever cross your oh so superior mind? The workout and nutrition information changes fairly rapidly, and the PT Studs/Nutrition Nuts have the latest and greatest information available.
What about opening up the site to copyright infringement, theft of intellectual property, damaging a business claims for posting possible "for fee" material here on the website.
Think and research before you act, young man.... this is not college where copyright and intellectual property laws are broken on an hourly basis, and the minions of academia are out to ruin the thieving textbook and office supply and magazine robber barons.
I am going to have an admin edit your post to remove the links/.pdfs (if it is possible), I looked, there are copyright disclaimers on most of them.
You earned a one point warning on your third post - this may be a record.
Read the New Members start here area, I believe posting of for-fee copyrighted material without permission is covered.